According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (still called `GDPR”), „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University – Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca (still called the „Operator”), having the available contact data on website, at the part „Contact” as PERSONAL DATA OPERATOR, informs that:

      Based on the registration of participants Printed Form for the International Conference 2019, fulfilled and transmitted, respectively the electronic mail (e-mail) sent to the Operator regarding the International Conference 2019, which aims to obtain the quality of the auditor of the conference, we process the  personal data of the participants to the International Conference 2019, respectively we process the personal data of the senders of the electronic mail (e-mail).

          Your fulfilling and transmitting the Printed Form registration of participants for the International Conference 2019, respectively to send us the electronic mail (e-mail) regarding the International Conference 2019, with the purpose of obtaining the quality of the auditor of the conference, represents FREE PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT  that you approve of  processing your indicated personal data  according to the fulfilled ones, or in accordance with the data transmitted in electronic mail (e-mail) sent by you, in order to participate in the International Conference 2019 as speaker or auditor.

     The operator has the obligation to safely manage and only for the specified purpose of the provided personal data.

      The purpose of processing personal data and the legal basis: in order to participate in the International Conference 2019, based on the prior informed consent of the targeted persons, as speakers or auditors.

      The recorded information is to be used by the Operator an can be communicated  only to the following addresses: the targeted person, legal/authorized agent of the targeted person, the Operator’s representatives, police officers, legal court, in accordance with internal and community legislation  provisions applicable to the Operator’s activity. Information about the participant’s name, didactic degree, institutional affiliation, as well as the title of the paper will be published both in the Conference Program and on the website.

      The data storage duration is of 5 years since they where attained, but for situations  expressly regulated by the law or duly justified cases. At the expiry of time, the records are either destroyed or erased.  In order to avoid the use without right of personal data, as well as possible abuses, the Operator uses safety methods and technologies, along with appropriate policies and working procedures in order to protect the collected personal data.

      In accordance with internal and community legislation for persons’ protection regarding the processing of personal data and the free flow of these data, the targeted persons are informed that they benefit of: the right of being informed, under art.12-13 in GDPR, the right to access, the  portability of data right, the right to opposition, the right to rectification, the right to erase the data, the right to restrict the processing, the right not to be the subject of a decision exclusively based on automatic processing, the right to withdraw your consent when processing was made under your agreement, the right to make a complaint, the right to be informed  without unjustified delays regarding the violation of personal data security, the right to make a complaint to the competent supervisory authority, the right to an effective judicial remedy against the  supervisory authority, under the stipulations of art. 78 in GDPR, the right to an effective judicial remedy against the operator or the person empowered by the operator, under the stipulations in art. 79 in GDPR, the right to compensation that is possessed by any person who suffered material or moral injury  as a result of violation of the GDPR provisions, meaning that he has the right  to obtain compensation from the operator, under stipulations in art. 82 in GDPR.

      All these rights can be exercised through a written, signed and dated request, transmitted to the operator’s premises, having the contacts available on the website, at the part “Contact”. 

      Should there be any questions concerning the processing of personal data you can also do it through email: or using the telephone number +40-264-432211-int. no. 23.

     If necessary, the Operator may ask the targeted person to provide further information in order to establish the person’s identity.

      To inform you, you may look through the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (in the rectified form, according to the Correction May 23, 2018), on the website of the National Supervisory Authority), on the website of the National Supervisory Authority, at