As the Conference is organized this year on-line: 
       – the tax for on-line participant is 50 euro (conference participation, Certificate of attendance, publication of the paper in the Fiat Iustitia Journal).
       – the Master and Doctoral students presenting a paper will receive a 50% discount on the above-mentioned tax.
         For the attendants without a paper the tax is 25 euro. 
         Registration fees are non-refundable.


− For LEI (RON):
Deţinătorul contului: Facultatea de Drept din Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Creştină „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Referinţă: Eficienţa Normelor Juridice şi numele participantului
Cod fiscal: 11230706
Banca: BT Cluj
IBAN: RO70 BTRL 0670 1202 W714 32XX

 − For EURO:
Account holder: Facultatea de Drept din Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Creştină „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Reference: Efficiency of Legal Norms and the name of the participant
Fiscal code: 11230706
Bank: BT Cluj
IBAN: RO59 BTRL EURC RT00 W714 3201

Registration fees may be payed only by bank transfer.